

Uber driver accused of rape to be arraigned

EL CAJON -- A trial date could be set Thursday for a former Uber driver accused of raping a passenger and sexually assaulting eight other victims over the past several years.
John David Sanchez, 52, faces more than two dozen charges, including rape and sodomy of an unconscious person. He was initially arrested about a month after the alleged rape of one of his Uber passengers last Feb. 26.
The defendant posted bail and was fired by Uber. Investigators subsequently found a number of other women who had allegedly been assaulted in 2007, 2011 and 2013 but had not reported the attacks.
Most of the alleged victims who came forward were said to have been unconscious from drugs or alcohol when the attacks occurred, according to El Cajon police.
Sanchez is also accused of committing sex acts on a 13-year-old girl and involving her in a sex act on a disabled woman at a medical facility in 2013, police said. He faces 52 years in state prison if convicted.
He's scheduled to be asked at this afternoon's arraignment hearing to enter pleas in response to the charges he faces.